
refactor snapcraft.storeapi

Currently, 3 classes live in __init__.py in the snapcraft.storeapi package. The goal is to refactor (by mostly moving) the code representing these three classes into 3 modules and exposing those modules in __init__.py.

Task description:

  • git clone git@github.com:snapcore/snapcraft.git
  • Read HACKING.md to setup a virtual environment for development and testing
  • Create a branch -> git checkout -b my-branch
  • Refactor the code
  • git add your changes
  • git commit with an appropriate message as defined in CONTRIBUTING.md
  • push your branch to your repo
  • Create a pull request for review
  • Update with review comments

The task is considered done once it is merged into the master branch


  • while this task could be done on any distribution or Linux OS variant, it will be more straightforward to do it on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.

Task tags

  • python
  • snapcraft

Students who completed this task

Daniel Lim

Task type

  • code Code