Add compatibility with django 2.0 beta to openwisp-users

Go to project repository:, which is one of the OpenWISP 2 modules.

Star and fork the project, then clone it locally on your computer.

Create an issue for this task and announce you are going to work on it.

Add django 2.0 beta to the travis-ci matrix (see the file .travis.yml). Install django 2.0 beta in your development environment. Run the tests and fix those that fail.

If everything works, move forward committing the code and open a pull-request on github and fix any issue highligthed during the review by your mentors.

Please share on twitter your accomplishment when the task is completed! Use the hashtags #openwisp #gci #python.

Task tags

  • django-app
  • python
  • django
  • git
  • tests

Students who completed this task

Alan Zhu

Task type

  • code Code