[django-freeradius] Add delete_old_radacct management command

Django-freeradius provides a management interface to Freeradius 3.x trough Django Admin backend and a RESTful API.

Freeradius accounting sessions are stored in an SQL backend, which grows up very fast in production environments, because of this django-freeradius needs a management command that perform cleaning operations , eg:

# would delete sessions older than <number_months>
./ delete_old_radacct <number_months>

Please follow the general OpenWISP contribution guidelines and read also the specific django-freeradius guidelines

Once ready, send a pull request and ask for a review, then fix all the issues that are brought up during the review to complete the task.

It is also required that all your code contribution will be pushed in a single commit, this could be done amending every commit and then forcing the push

git add -A
git commit --amend
git push -f

Otherwise doing a rebase, fixing up your previous commits. Start and fork the django-freeradius repository, as well as to ask questions to your mentors via the OpenWISP support channels.

Task tags

  • python
  • git
  • radius
  • cli
  • django

Students who completed this task

Aarnav Bos

Task type

  • code Code