Create your first pull request

This issue is more about getting familiar with Git and Github.

You are required to try out this tutorial at

After doing this exercise locally, create a remote repository and push code to github. Now Checkout to a new branch(#your_name) and add your Github link to /gci/ Push those changes to Remote repository. Then send a Pull request to master branch and get it merged.

Evaluation: Please upload following things.

  • Github Repository link
  • Screenshots of git command executions. (commit, push, checkout)

Task tags

  • github
  • git
  • pull-request

Students who completed this task

Khurram Nadir, Max Arens Arens, Cooper Makhijani, Govind NARAYANAN V, Mateusz Woźniak, Yatin Kare, Prajwal V, Shivang Gupta, Swetha Prabhakaran, Soham Parolia, Sanjay K, Jahnavi Nayak, Aditya Kapoor, Suchir Gupta, Aswatha Pranav, Ethan Levy, Steven Liu, Shreya-1, Garima Kakkar, Lunatic Coder, Rahul Raj-2, Sharan Sivakumar, AD, AthyXray, Kartik Nawani, Hizkia Felix, Beshoy Ghaly, Junior suleiman, Divyam, Olive Uzoma, AS, Shiguy, Abhay kumar, Vishnu Prajit, Utkarsh Verma, RADHIKA AGARWAL, Abhinav Krishna, Anubhav Verma, Archita Hothur, XLR8ingHKR, Taksh Pratap Singh, Sharif Minhazul Islam, Eran Ozsarfati, Piotr Łazik

Task type

  • code Code
  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training

