Add compatibility with Django 2.0 to django-loci
Go to project repository: django-loci
Star and fork the project, then clone it locally on your computer.
Follow the instructions in Installing for development and learn how to run tests.
Now add django 2.0 to in the requirements.txt range, add it also to the .travis.yml
build matrix, upgrade the version of django in your local pyhton virtual env, run the tests with it and fix any issue that may arise.
If everything works, move forward committing the code and do the pull-request on the original repository and fix any issue highlighted during the review by your mentors. Don't be afraid to start the review process early.
When the task is completed, let the world know you are an OpenWISP 2 contributor! Tweet your results with the #openwisp and #gci hashtags, include a screenshot in your tweet for maximum efficacy :-)