
Write a demo using a Tiled map with your chosen language or framework

This task requires that you first complete the task "Pick a framework or library supporting Tiled maps, then analyze and document it". You will now try to use the framework or library you have chosen to create a demo project using a Tiled map.

To help you get started, some example maps are provided in the Tiled repository for different game types. Pick one of your liking and feel free modify it, or to create your own entirely. The ones available are:

  • Sticker Knight, a platformer map that doesn't use tile layers (examples/sticker-knight).
  • Island RPG, simple beach island map (examples/rpg)
  • Isometric and isometric (staggered) example maps (isometric_grass_and_water.tmx and isometric_staggered_grass_and_water.tmx)
  • Hexagonal map with mini-hexagonal tiles (hexagonal-mini.tmx)

Use the framework or library to load your map and display it on the screen (if rendering is one of the supported features). If there is no rendering, check whether you can access all the data available in the map file through the library and see if you can do something useful with it, or implement your own rendering code.

Publish your code, preferably in a GitHub repository and then link to it from the wiki page you set up previously for this framework or library. Provide at least one screenshot that shows off your running demo.

Consider whether there is anything you can write on the wiki page that would help others to get started using Tiled maps in combination with this framework or library.

Task tags

  • demo
  • game
  • tiled

Students who completed this task

Steven Rachman

Task type

  • code Code
  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training