
Review Terasology homepage design spec

This is the current site for Terasology. There is currently a spec that plays around with the concept of redesigning the front landing page.

The goal of this task is to review the spec and provide some feedback. It's important to be precise about what works and doesn't work so well. A general statement of the overall design won't help improve the design. Think about what could be added, removed or rearranged to improve the overall experience.

If something looks wrong or doesn't feel right feel free to also express that criticism. The whole point of this is to improve the design so feel free to express whatever is wrong with the spec.

Beyond the spec itself how do you like the existing site in comparison, and what do you think of either site compared to some popular sites you're familiar with? Are there some things from the existing site you like in particular and would like to see kept? Are there favorite features on a regular site of yours that you believe would fit in?

Consider especially thinking about the color and style themes and how they compare to other examples.

Definition of 'Done'

  • Create a gist that provides feedback on the spec.

Where to start

  • You can find the spec from here

Task tags

  • website
  • design

Students who completed this task

Steven Rachman, Chaitanya, Rajat Patel, Sahil Sheikh, ayman maherally, Muthuvignesh, Aneesh Malepatal, Suraj Datta, Willie Chalmers III, Gloria Moon, Jason Huang, Arpit Kamboj, Nicholas Bates, Amithab

Task type

  • web Design
  • assessment Outreach / Research
  • done_all Quality Assurance