Sugar Labs

Set up a Google Cloud Function that returns "Hello World" to the browser.

Google Cloud Function is a platform whereby you can execute your server-side code without the need of setting up the server environment.

Task Description

You are to create a Google Cloud Function that sends "Hello World" back to the user. This should be able to give a response back to any anyone that calls the Cloud Function using a cURL, an HTTP request or a URL request from a browser.

Getting Started

You need to install Node.js on your machine. If you don't already have the Node.js environment, download the executable from their website Node.js.


  • ( The above link is a Google Cloud Function I set up for my tutorial am about to release on Medium. Navigating to the URL will run the Cloud Function associated with it. You will see on the screen of your browser the lists of contacts it fetched from the Cloud Store. Take a cue from that and create your own Cloud Function that will display "Hello World" on the user's browser.

Helpful Links and Articles

Task Submission

Please, send us the link to the Github repo for evaluation:


Please, Feel free to contact any of the mentors or drop us a line if any need to.

What you will learn

You will get to know how Serverless platforms makes a developer work easier and stress-free.

Task tags

  • firebase
  • serverless apps
  • google cloud function

Students who completed this task

Phineas, Abhinav Pola, Sanatan Chaudhary, Bhavya Muni, ichauster, shivam chadha, JULIKA KADER MAIDEEN, Łukasz Myśliwiec, Thrilok kumar Parsa A, Kanassanun Namwong, Andre Christoga, Teja Shree Pinjala, Nikola Porumbachanov, Chih-Yuan Lu, Aniket Dwivedi

Task type

  • code Code