JBoss Community

Design a logo for jboss-outreach Community and provide it in various formats.

Your task is to design a logo for jboss-outreach. This logo will represent our community. The logo should meet the following requirements:

  • It should match the existing Jboss color theme.
  • As the logo will be used on different platforms including github profile and website, it should be available in different sizes.
  • It should also be available in different formats such .Png and .Svg for different uses and purposes. You can take help from various sources which include existing Jboss logos. To design logos you can use tools like Adobe Illustrator or any other open source alternative such as gimp.

Please Also submit a PNG preview of your work

Task tags

  • graphic design
  • iconography
  • ui

Students who completed this task

Yash Tyagi, Vibhore mathur, vansh gupta, Berkay Çatak, Giri Prasetyo, Sidhya Tikku, Vishwas Adiga

Task type

  • web Design