Add compression middleware to BookBrainz's express server
BookBrainz is a project to gather information about all of the books (and other written works) in the world. To make this happen, we're creating an online database which anyone can add to at
The express web framework is made up of "middleware" functions that can make changes to request and response JavaScript objects. The aim of this task is to add compression middleware to the BookBrainz express server so that the site will be more accessible to people with low bandwidth internet connections. This will help us to increase the number of people using BookBrainz, and also make the site faster for people who use it at the moment.
You don't need to write this middleware yourself - the "compression" module on NPM should be quite simple to add to BookBrainz, and does everything we need for this task. You can find the documentation for this module on the NPM page. To find out more about express middleware, have a look at the official documentation.
To submit your work, clone your fork of the bookbrainz-site repository and create a new branch named "express-compression-YOUR_GCI_USERNAME". Commit your changes, using small commits which make clear, self-contained changes, and using the conventions here. Finally, push your work to GitHub and create a new Pull Request.