
Add a translation about coala to Wikidata

coala is software. coala is an organisation.

This task is to translate an item label on Wikidata, for any item related to either the coala software or the coala organisation.

Wikidata facts are being used to automatically create Wikipedia articles, and there are lots of interesting tools and viewers like Reasonator that consume and re-use Wikidata content.

Wikidata facts can be represented in any language by translating the labels of items. (A property is special type an item.)

Before claiming this task, please complete one 'medium' difficulty task in the coala organisation.

If you have not edited Wikidata before, read the Introduction and do the Tutorials before attempting this task.

This task involves editing a live database, and any mistakes may immediately impact thousands of other users around the globe. Care and caution are required. Communicate with your mentors.

Not surprisingly, MediaWiki and Wikimedia Foundation are a good example to follow for the way to describe software components in the Wikidata ontology.

If you do not have a Wikimedia account, please ensure your new Wikimedia username is identical to your GitHub username. As a mentor for help if you can not register the same username.

After translating an item label, submit your task with a comment including your contributions URL, such as

Task tags

  • i18n
  • open data
  • wikidata

Students who completed this task

Abhinav Bharadwaj-1

Task type

  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training
  • web Design
  • assessment Outreach / Research