Create funny "loading" sentences to amuse users while they wait
Wanna test your level of humour? How witty are you against the competition?
Everyone loves funny loading screens, right? GitMate team has been busy concocting some of them. Check out the repositories tab on to watch them in action.
Here are some examples..
- Opening pod bay doors...
- Waiting for the right moment...
- Downloading the internet...
- Testing your patience...
- Buying some server space...
- Hang on a second, I know your data is somewhere here...
- Sending sheep to Mars...
- Stealing your passwords...
- Gathering your credit card info...
- Shovelling coal into our servers...
Your task is to add more such sentences. Check our the list in issues here. Make sure you don't repeat them.
Once you've got ideas, road test your sentences on your friends to see which of them are more delightful than others and come up with more ideas together with them.
When you've gotten a short list of sentences, create issues on GitLab here following the template for each sentence. Ask your friends to vote the issue and comment on what they like.
Your task is considered complete when the following conditions apply:
- You have opened between 5 and 10 issues with ideas.
- One of your ideas has at least 5 votes.
- You have voted for at least as many issues as you created. (don't vote for your own)
The requirement of one of your ideas has at least 5 votes has been put down to at least 3 votes.