
Design a new logo for corobo

Before doing this task, you should have completed the "avatar" task,

This task involves designing a new logo for the coala bot, corobo.

Be creative and make your art aesthetically associated with corobo! You must be able to explain how your design relates to corobo. Interacte with corobo on and Zulip. Let the bot inspire you!

You must submit a completely original design of your own creation that does not use 3rd party images from the web, unless they are licensed under Creative Commons licenses. If you create a design similar to something you found on the web, it is considered a derivative work and you should give proper attribution (i.e., credit) to that author by name with a link to their work. Failure to give credit is plagiarism and can be grounds for dismissal from GCI. When in doubt, design something unique. ;)

Logo design tips are in abundance around the web such as these 65 tips and these 7 tips.

Familiarity with a graphics design package like Gimp & Inkscape (open source & free), or Photoshop & Illustrator (not free) are useful for completing this task.

Upload your original vector artwork files to either or , with the same username as you have used for GitHub. Your uploaded files must be licensed under Creative Commons Sharealike. The winning design will be announced after all design entries have been assessed.

Task tags

  • logo
  • design
  • chatops

Students who completed this task

Aryaman Singh, sagar gala, Abhay kumar

Task type

  • web Design
  • assessment Outreach / Research