
linterhub: Create a Docker image for yamllint


Create a Docker image with Alpine Linux for the yamllint linter.

Register an issue

Fork repository

Fork the linterhub-docker repository.


Find an Alpine-base image on Dockerhub with a python manager that can install yamllint.

Create a new Dockerfile based on the previous one and install the linter yamllint (and dependencies if needed). e.g.

Please do not install unnecessary dependencies!

Build container, make sure there are no errors during build.

Manual tests

  1. Run the yamllint linter on a sample yaml file using yamllint installed on your computer

  2. Perform the same analysis using your container

    docker run -v /local_folder:/container_folder -it linterhub/your_favorite_engine engine_command

    Make sure that outputs are equal.

Automated tests

Introduce a simple test as described above using Automated Test: (ensure that expected analysis results are equal to the actual results).

Submit a PR

Once you've finished, please submit a PR to linterhub-docker .

Task tags

  • python
  • yaml
  • docker
  • alpine
  • linux

Students who completed this task

Andrew Dassonville

Task type

  • code Code
  • done_all Quality Assurance