Systers Community
Test installation and uninstallation of Powerup application
Installation testing verifies that the installation process goes smoothly without the user having to face any difficulty. Whereas uninstallation testing can be summarized in one line as “Uninstallation should sweep out data related to the App in just one go”.
- Install Android-Studio on your machine.
- Setup Powerup Android using the instructions given here.
- Verify that the application is getting installed successfully without throwing any errors.
- Verify that the installation process is smooth and does not take long.
- Verify that all the application related files are removed successfully after uninstallation.
Work Submission:
- Write a blog defining the step by step installation and uninstallation process.
- Report any errors faced during installation or uninstallation of the application.
- Write a blog on medium keeping in mind all the necessities mentioned above and submit it's link.
- Submit the blog in the form of a document as well.
- Ask any questions in #powerup on Systers Open source Slack.
Task tags
Students who completed this task
Ananay Garg, peacewar, Muhammad Muneer