Systers Community
Create two new Scenes in the Hospital and two new scenes in the House Location
Dialogue Composition || Creative Writing
- Read about the PowerUp App on link
- Explore similar apps on Google Play Store under the category- Simulation, to get acquainted with the character conversations in various scenarios.
- Think up of two new scenarios in the House location and two new scenarios in the Hospital Location. Each scene should represent common real-life interactions among the various characters.
- Select a set of characters for each scene.
- Develop dialogue exchanges between your chosen characters.
- Github account of Powerup (
- Ask any questions or clarifications in the #powerup on Systers Open Source Slack.
Work Submission:
Submit two separate .doc Files, containing the Dialogue Exchanges among your chosen set of characters for each Scene.
Task tags
Students who completed this task
Yuyuan Luo, Erika Tan, Aryaman Agrawal