Systers Community

PowerUp Android: Handle the implementation of Next and Previous Arrows for Store activity


  • Create a Github Account.
  • Fork and build PowerUp Android.
  • Fetch the code from "GSoC17" branch


CURRENT SCENARIO - The next and previous arrows are always visible irrespective of the case that more items exist or not.

  • Identify the parts that are required to be rectified.
  • Rectify the implementation of left arrow such that it is only visible if more items are present before the items that are viewed currently.
  • Rectify the implementation of right arrow that it is only visible if more items are present after the items that are viewed currently.
  • Both the arrows should not be present if no more of previous and next items are present.
  • Do not hamper other functionalities of the app.
  • Do not use any hardcoded string, dimensions. etc.


Work Submission:

Create a PR with label "Program: GCI".Include the link here.

Task tags

  • xml
  • android
  • powerup
  • java

Students who completed this task

Fidella, Sameer, Abhijeet Manohar, Valentun, Mu'aaz Kasker

Task type

  • code Code
  • web Design