Systers Community
Measure PowerUp Android App Performance
- Install PowerUp Android.
- Install Android Studio
- Fork and clone PowerUp Android
To open the Android Profiler window, follow these steps:
- Click View > Tool Windows > Android Profiler (you can also click Android Profiler in the toolbar).
- At the top of the Android Profiler window, select the device and the app process you want to profile. If you've connected a device over USB but don't see it listed, ensure that you have enabled USB debugging.
Once you start Android Profiler, it continues to collect profiling data until you either disconnect the device or click Close
- Ask any questions or directions in the #powerup on Systers Open Source Slack. Mention @prachi1210 on Slack
- Research using Android Profiler to measure app performance
Work Submission:
Submit analysis of PowerUp android performance alongside screenshots of Android Profiler timeline view. Here is a good example screenshot of a sample screenshot
Task tags
Students who completed this task
Rosemarie van de Ven, Sameer, Abhijeet Manohar, Valentun, Aryaman Agrawal