Systers Community
Profile build using command line
Using profiling to improve your build speed typically involves running your build with profiling enabled, making some tweaks to your build configuration, and profiling some more to observe the results of your changes
- Setup Powerup Android using the instructions given here.
- Open terminal (inside android studio) & run command gradlew clean
- Refer this article to execute a debug build with some constraints.
- GSoc17 branch doesn't contains any flavors, either create one or use assembledebug
- You may need to provide executable permission to gradlew , refer this link
- Article on Profile build
- Ask any questions in #powerup on Systers Open source Slack. Mention @geekanamika or @prachi1210 if you need help on this task.
Work Submission:
- Screenshot of project view, here is a good example
- Create a pull request with generated .html file
- Provide the link to PR in comments
Task tags
Students who completed this task
Yuyuan Luo, Aryaman Agrawal