Systers Community
PowerUp Android: Create a not enough points dialog box for non-purchasable items
- Create a Github Account.
- Fork and build PowerUp Android.
- Include a dialog box showing message "You don't have enough points to buy that!" and dialog title "Oops!"
- The dialog box shoud appear for the grayed out items on Store, that is, the items that cannot be bought.
- It should have an option to dismiss.
- Inclusion should blend well with current theme of the app.
- Try to use current resources as far as possible.
- Do not use any hard coded strings, dimensions, colors, etc.
- Ask any questions or directions in the #powerup on Systers Open Source Slack. Mention @rimjhim for any doubt or help.
Work Submission:
Submit screenshots from atleast 4 devices of different widths specifying the widths. Create a PR with label "Program:GCI" and include the link here.
Task tags
Students who completed this task
Aryaman Agrawal, Valentun, Isabel Sieh, Mu'aaz Kasker