Systers Community

Prepare a document that includes details on how to set up PowerUp-iOS.



  • Write steps in detail from forking the repo till running the application
  • Include screenshots for each step
  • Document issues you encountered during the process and how you managed to resolve them
  • Also include resources which are useful to download the software or resolve issues.

Make the document detailed so that a new comer can easily follow the guide and set-up the project.


  • Go through ReadME in
  • Ask any questions or directions in the #powerup on [Systers Open Source Slack]. Mention @divyapandilla if you need help on this task.

Work Submission:

Link to the Google Doc or upload the documentation file.

Task tags

  • systers
  • installation
  • powerup
  • ios
  • documentation

Students who completed this task

Rosemarie van de Ven, Vatsal Kulshreshtha, Abhijeet Manohar, Coder Gal, George Nick Gorzynski

Task type

  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training