Systers Community

PowerUp iOS: Fix the 'About' screen to disable user input


Create Github account. Install latest version of xCode in your computer. Fork and build PowerUp iOS.


For this task, you are required to fix the open issue #137 in PowerUp-iOS. 'About' button at the top left corner of the home page opens the 'About' screen. At the moment the textfield used in the about screen is editable by the user which is not required. Make this text field non-editable.


  • Claim the corresponding issue in Github.
  • Run the code and locate the issue mentioned in the description.
  • Locate the view corresponding to the About screen and fix the issue.
  • Test the fix.


Work Submission:

Create and submit a PR and post the PR link here.

Task tags

  • systers
  • powerup
  • ios
  • bug

Students who completed this task

Akshay Cm, Vatsal Kulshreshtha, Ada Vu, George Nick Gorzynski

Task type

  • code Code