Systers Community

Prepare a document to verify that the app adapts to different mobile screen sizes



  • Run the application on multiple emulators and verify each screen in the application adapts to every screen size.
  • Include screenshots for each screen size per feature in tabular format.
  • The following are the details of columns in the table.
    • Column Names : | Screen Title | 240x320 | 240x432 | 480x800 | 1024x600 |
    • First column describes the screen title.
    • Second, third, fourth, fifth columns should contain the screenshots of the screens in respective sized emulators.
    • Highlight the row with different color if the screen doesn't adapt to different mobile screen sizes.


  • Go through ReadME in for installing and running the application.
  • Ask any questions or directions in the #powerup on [Systers Open Source Slack]. Mention @divyapandilla or @Paavini if you need help on this task.

Work Submission:

Link to the Google Doc or upload the documentation file.

Task tags

  • android
  • powerup
  • ui
  • documentation

Students who completed this task

Vatsal Kulshreshtha, Abhijeet Manohar, Ritz, Isabel Sieh, Phoebe Fletcher

Task type

  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training
  • web Design