Systers Community

Collect System Logs for PowerUp Android with LogCat


  1. Install PowerUp Android.
  2. Install Android Studio
  3. Fork and clone PowerUp Android


The Logcat window in Android Studio displays system messages in real time and keeps a history so you can view older messages.

To display the log messages for an app:

  • Build and run your app on a device.
  • Click View > Tool Windows > Logcat By default, logcat displays just the log messages for your app running on the device.


Work Submission:

You need to submit an analysis of the Log messages, and how you will use LogCat to improve PowerUp Android alongside relevant screenshots of the LogCat window. Here is a good example screenshot

Task tags

  • android
  • testing
  • games

Students who completed this task

Abhijeet Manohar, Aryaman Agrawal

Task type

  • done_all Quality Assurance