Let's do a treasure or scavenger hunt for Liquid Galaxy !
Design a treasure or scanveger hunt history using 10 places from your city, country or the place you most like.
Reference Treasure game: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treasure_hunt_(game)
Use one of the Gsuite tools (Google Forms) with interactive questions to find them, if correct the user can advance through the hunt of the treasure, if not ok after 2 trials show the user the good response and pass to the next question. Currently, adding a geolocation function into a Google form is not available. The answer must be a geolocation coordinate, include an image of the place when the answer is correct!
Reference Google forms: https://docs.google.com/forms
Note that the places have to have correct geo coordinates in a field, for us to maybe implement the game in a future application for the Liquid Galaxy.
References to investigate: scavenger hunt in google forms https://www.google.es/search?safe=off&ei=9YpHWt3NJYKpUbKXm6AJ&q=google+form+scavenger+hunt&oq=google+form+scavenger+hunt&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0.3166.6121.0.6472.
Deliverables are:
- a google document shared with us with a table including all q&a and coordinates. (use this as your master script before develop the form)
- a Google form, one of the Gsuite tools, with interactive questions. Note that the answer has to have also geocordinates
Any questions contact us here after claiming the task.