Liquid Galaxy project

Look for uses of WebRTC on past and future uses for the Liquid Galaxy

In the past we’ve used WebRTC on the Liquid Galaxy, find those applications and explain the use. Also investigate and create future new uses of WebRTC for Liquid Galaxy.

We want you to:

  • Learn how WebRTC works and its applications. Write a text on this.
  • Write a text about pasts uses of WebRTC on the Liquid Galaxy.
  • BONUS: Make a simple demo of how WebRTC works. It has to be your own original content.


To deliver: Google Docs document link for share sent to our email < > (At least 5 pages of content), and if you do the BONUS the Github repository link with your demo code.

Task tags

  • web
  • webrtc

Students who completed this task

Tarun Ravi, Shruti Singh

Task type

  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training