Liquid Galaxy project
Investigate about how Liquid Galaxy could be used to play first person video games
If you are a gamer, you’ve probably thought of Liquid Galaxy as a panoramic first-person video game display. And yes, you guessed it, it is possible to play videogames using Liquid Galaxy. But, how is this done?
In this task, you have to find information about this topic, in order to fill a document that has to include:
- How are video games implemented in the Liquid Galaxy system.
- How do you have to configure your Liquid Galaxy to play a videogame adapted to the system.
After following this steps, you should have enough knowledge to play a videogame using Liquid Galaxy, even how to implement Liquid Galaxy support in a videogame (at least theoretically)
- Liquid Galaxy wiki entry about videogames:
To deliver: Google Docs shared document link to our email (At least 5 pages of content).
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Students who completed this task
Sahanj Jose, Samarth Khurana