Liquid Galaxy project

Install Liquid Galaxy over Ubuntu 17.10 64 bits

Download and install Ubuntu from:

Follow the instructions on the repository:

And... get luck! We have tested that LG works on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and we would like to know if it works on other distributions. This is your mission, you have to try to install it and report the errors of problems that appears during the installation. If you are able to go through the installation process you will get extra points :P

IMPORTANT: Create a user named lg, otherwise Liquid Galaxy won't run correctly if you install it later on this operating system

Deliverable: Inside this common folder create a GoogleDocs file sharing the problems that you have found and images as example (tag them with your name):

Task tags

  • liquidgalaxy
  • virtualbox
  • ubuntu

Students who completed this task

Abhishek Kuchibhotla, Faris Aziz, Shruti Singh, Terence Chan Zun Mun, Aditya Jyoti Paul, Aleksander Kordecki, Surya, Kaden Gordon, Gulshan Soni

Task type

  • assessment Outreach / Research