Liquid Galaxy project

Imagine a GSoC internship

Imagine all the people... Sorry just joking. Imagine you have won a GSoC internship (investigate what it means if you have no idea). You are selected for this amazing adventure but suddenly all the big boss mentors disappears and all the knowledge about LG is in danger to disappear... Your are the only hope to restore the order and guide future students to the light (or force).

Instructions: Investigate our LG Github page (link) to have a grasp of which parts of the core repository are necessary to deploy Liquid Galaxy in a production environment. This means that you have to understand how Liquid Galaxy works in a high level perspective by having a look at the repository, not only the code, but the wiki and the descriptions. Then, make a Google Docs document about how Liquid Galaxy works, and how the "core" repository is structured.

BONUS PART: If you think that descriptions on repositories are not relevant enough, propose new ways to organize all the information and help future students to make this task easier.

To deliver: Google Docs document sent to and attached in the comments section of the task.

Task tags

  • imagination
  • github
  • workaround

Students who completed this task

Tarun Ravi, Surya

Task type

  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training
  • done_all Quality Assurance