Liquid Galaxy project

Automatize the KML to queries conversion

Create a script that automatizes the decompression of a KML file and executes an already existing script with parameters.

You can follow this steps :

  • On Google Earth, create a directory and add some POIs (using the yellow pin)
  • Right-click on the directory and save the directory as a KMZ
  • You can now close Google Earth
  • Extract a file named doc.kml from the .KMZ, we only need this file
  • Copy the doc.kml in the same path as this script
  • Execute the script with 1 argument, which is the desired tour name (./ MyCity)

Your script should store the name from the .KMZ and pass it as argument to the script. Your script should also decompress any KMZ files in its path and append the output to queries.txt

The deliverable is a working script that does all the above that have to be sent at

Task tags

  • bash script

Students who completed this task

Shruti Singh, Omshi Samal

Task type

  • code Code