Liquid Galaxy project

Create a querys.txt from your Scavenger Hunt sheet with Google Apps script

This task is only for those students who have developed the Scavenger Hunt task.

Attribution: task proposed by GCI student Syed Ali, modified by the mentors team. Kudos for him!

Liquid Galaxy allows the interaction with it via a file named queries.txt. This file follows the following structure: planet@POI_NAME@flytoview=

The main goal of this task it to create a Google Apps Script which runs on your Scavenger Hunt form and extracts the Latitude and Longitude Data of various Places, creating a standar queries.txt file as described before.

Reference: Google Apps scripting

Deliverable: A zip containing

Task tags

  • google forms
  • google app scripting

Students who completed this task

Tarun Ravi, Terence Chan Zun Mun, Shruti Singh, Kshitijaa Jaglan, Omshi Samal

Task type

  • code Code