Liquid Galaxy project

Programatically create CSV's and queries files

Liquid Galaxy allows the interaction with it via a file named queries.txt. This file follows the following structure: planet@POI_NAME@flytoview=

The main goal of this task it to create some points on Google earth and develop either a script or a little program that creates a structured and formated file

To do that, while using Google Earth, you should make a directory with some POIs (using the yellow pin) inside of them. Then right-click and save the directory as a KMZ. After that, extract it with winrar or another similar program. There should be a file named doc.kml Finally, take this KML file as an input for your program and create the CSV/Queries file. One example of the CSV format can be: Name;longitude;latitude;altitude;heading;tilt;range;altitudeMode

Deliverable: A zip containing the code and a document (2 pages) explaining tour experience and if you have faced any issues and how you resolved them

Task tags

  • bash script
  • kml
  • csv

Students who completed this task

Shruti Singh, Omshi Samal

Task type

  • code Code