Liquid Galaxy project

Design a new onepager website explaining what's the Liquid Galaxy

For most of the GCI students this is the first time they know about the LG. We want you to make a simple one page pure html (NO CMS allowed, nor fancy JS or CSS) only graphics or photos and text explaining to newbies what the LG is.

Deliverable: .txt file with the html, .zip with the images attached here and also sent to

Make it nice and maybe we reuse your work for our web page.

Task tags

  • web
  • html

Students who completed this task

Sahanj Jose, Aditi Srinivas, raghav garg, Pratham, HARISH RAJASEKAR, Aswin Ajith50, Rohan44, Rounak, Sukesh Subasundar, Juhili Patel

Task type

  • code Code

