Sustainable Computing Research Group (SCoRe)

[Bassa] Create a shell script to detect the distro and echo selected options

Bassa setup is currently scattered around multiple scripts and few manual processes. This task is a part of a larger process to the whole installation process.

Ideally, there should be a script which automatically detects the user's Linux distribution and then give a set of database options to choose from. When the user selects an option, the script should use the relevant package manager for the distro and install the selected database.

However, for this task, you're job is much simpler. Create a script called scripts/

This script should do 3 things

1) Detect the Linux distribution of the machine and store it in a variable

2) Give the user an options menu to select from. Options should include "MySQL", "SQLite", "MariaDB", "PostgreSQL". Then store the selection on a variable.

3) Print the values in the variables made in step 1 and 2 to the STDOUT

Once done, send a pull request to Bassa repository and submit the link

Task tags

  • bash-scripting
  • shell
  • git

Students who completed this task

Padam Chopra

Task type

  • code Code