Find and report 2 bugs/issues of the System.

The OpenMRS platform is undergoing continuous change and development. Therefore, the latest releases may contain any number of bugs. The purpose of this task is to allow you to explore our project via the publicly available demo site [0], and try to find any bugs. You can try to find errors in OpenMRS system in numerous ways such as inputting invalid data in order to detect validation errors. Eg. of a validation error : The system allows you to enter and save invalid information for a patients birthdate or age. File two bug reports under the correct component in OpenMRS JIRA and paste the link of that issue in the comment below to complete the task Please make sure that your bugs are not duplicates. This will require you to read over existing bugs and make sure that the issue you are reporting is not the same. Your task will only be marked complete when you have submitted two new bugs. For more information on the Software QA process, please refer to [1] [0] [1]

Task tags

  • QA

Students who completed this task

RAGHAV DHINGRA, Fawwaz Yusran, Max Levchuk

Task type

  • done_all Quality Assurance