
Scrape Crimean Tatar Quran translation from a website

Bible and Quran translations often serve as a parallel corpus useful for solving NLP tasks because both texts are available in many languages. Your goal in this task is to write a program in the language of your choice which scrapes the Quran translation in the Crimean Tatar language available on the following website: http://crimean.org/islam/koran/dizen-qurtnezir/ . You can adapt the scraper described on the Writing a scraper page or write your own from scratch. The output should be plain text in Tanzil format ('text with aya numbers'). You can see examples of that format on http://tanzil.net/trans/ page. When scraping, please be polite and request data at a reasonable rate.

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Task tags

  • scraper

Students who completed this task

Grzegorz Stark

Task type

  • code Code