
Geographical areas where Volga-area Turkic languages are spoken

Using data from available geographic sources online, mark geographic regions where Chuvash, Tatar (include Kryashen and Nağaybäk, perhaps separately), Bashkort, and Siberian Tatar are spoken.

Some sources which may be useful for these languages are the following: https://geographyofrussia.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/378-379.jpg http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/6808/13223519.25/0_9ac83_3a66ad89_orig

You may use a tool like google maps or QGIS to define the areas. The preferred formats are KML and/or GeoJSON. You may generalise certain aspects of the geography, but be as precise as possible.

Your work will be uploaded to Apertium's SVN repo in the directory for language map data.

Task tags

  • maps
  • geotracing

Students who completed this task

Andi Qu

Task type

  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training