Configure Travis-CI for CCExtractor build testing on macOS
Our Continuous Integration (CI) tool (better known as the Sample Platform) builds CCExtractor for Linux and Windows (using various methods) each time a commit gets pushed or a Pull Request is opened.
However, we can't make any builds for macOS, as we don't have any VM's for this. This makes that occasionally build errors go unnoticed, or that other errors are undetected.
Travis-CI has a free offer for Open Source programs, and it also has support for macOS, so we'd like to make use of their tools.
Your task is to prepare a travis.yml file to test build of CCExtractor on macOS with all the available scripts.
Travis-CI : macOS Build Scripts : & /src/CMakeLists.txt
We expect a Pull Request on the CCExtractor repository with the created travis.yml file.
Bonus points if you add configuration for all the Linux build options too.