CCExtractor Development

Finalize the migration of our releases from SourceForge to GitHub

For the last decade, SourceForge was CCExtractor's home for releases, bug tracking and a mailing list. Almost three years ago, the migration towards GitHub was started by moving the code repository and issue tracker.

Recently part of the releases (from 0.70 onwards, as it was too hard to tie older releases to commits on the GitHub repository) have been moved to GitHub, but it seems like the download stats will be forever lost - as there is no direct way to export them. Anyone who wants them will have to check SourceForge.

Your task is to figure out and implement a way to retrieve stats from SourceForge page and combine them with the Github stats to display a download count in the readme file.

Besides this we'd like you to go over all the old links on our website ( and replace any links that are still pointing to SourceForge with the correct replacements (e.g. to Github for source code, releases, download).

Task tags

  • scraping
  • api
  • stats
  • migration
  • research

Students who completed this task

Matej Plavevski

Task type

  • code Code
  • assessment Outreach / Research