CCExtractor Development

Getting started: Help us improve our tasks descriptions - which ones need clarification?

This is a "meta task" :-)

We've published lots of tasks, and we think they are clear, but we're likely to be making assumptions, or not realizing that we know things that most people just don't know until the get their feet wet with our software and/our the team.

So the job here is: Go over our task list, pick any 3 tasks that you feel are not clear enough ("I don't know what the actual job is", or "they talk about XXX which I have no idea what it is and google doesn't help", etc) and tell us why they are not clear and how could we make them better.

You don't have to do the tasks: This is about improving the actual description. Of course if once they are clear you want to also claim them you are more than welcome to do so to get double the points.

Task tags

  • tasks

Students who completed this task

Mukund V

Task type

  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training
  • assessment Outreach / Research

