
Interactive Cook Book

Build a digital Cook Book

Fun Fact : I Love Food, who doesn't

Reality of fact: we need food anyway, it's the only way we stay alive

Rules and Instructions

Build a interactive cookbook program using Pocket Code containing more than 2 recipes and how to make them. Have step by step instructions on how to make a recipe. The plus side is this program would make an excellent gift for your grandmas' digital cookbook collections. Build a nice clean ui and easy controls.

(Must) - provide step by step instructions, Create easy to use controls, provide authors names of a recipe if from a cookbook online or in a book

(Be organised) - create categories, for example dessert, side dishes, main courses etc.

(Optional add favourite secret family recipe. Note: get it a creative commons license that way it can't be stolen by someone else entirely)

Add cool animations, sounds, and images. Can't wait to taste your food. : )

Task tags

  • food
  • cook book
  • cooking
  • receipts
  • interactive

Students who completed this task

Hritik Singh, Ɓukasz Ameljan, Chandra Chou, Eva Pirpinia, Sarthak Agrawal, Nimil Pradeep, Siddh Jain, Mateusz Komajda, Aman Sharma-1, Rifqi Eka Hardianto-1, Poorva Shukla, Andrea Gonzales, Jayanth Koduru, Amisha Shukla

Task type

  • code Code
  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training
  • web Design
  • done_all Quality Assurance