
Educational simulation game

Create a simulation game with Pocket Code that is related to a topic from a school subject you like.

Do not use any abbreviations in your program, and structure it clearly. Upload your program to Catrobat’s sharing platform.

Create a screen recording video showing how to play your game. Before doing the screen recording, turn on the option in the developer’s option on your phone that allows to see the finger positions. If your game uses sensors, e.g., the inclination sensors, also add a sequence in your video that shows this from an outside perspective (you may need a second person, or a webcam for that part of the recording). At the end of your video, also explain at least one non-trivial feature related to the your game, using a narrated screen recording showing the corresponding parts of your program, in particular the scripts and, in the formula editor, the formulas that you have used.

Use your mother tongue throughout the video, including in Android or in the app, as long as we support your mother tongue (otherwise set your phone to English, but explain in your mother tongue). Your video may have visually appealing intro and end sequences, but this is not necessary. If you want you can create these intro and end scenes with Pocket Code and use your screen recordings to append them at the beginning and end of your video. Publish your video on YouTube with a good title and description in your mother tongue. Add English language captions to your video.

Task tags

  • visual programming
  • android
  • app
  • simulation game
  • catrobat

Students who completed this task

Siddh Jain, Rifqi Eka Hardianto-1, Jude Birch, Mateusz Komajda, headhunter

Task type

  • code Code
  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training