
Replace calls to deprecated APIs by more up to date alternatives


For beginners a good way to quickly get a pre configured dev environment for XWiki is to do the following task: https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/tasks/6322519776690176/preview/


XWiki project is more than 10 years old and very active which means we add new APIs and deprecated others but don't always take the time to convert old code to new best practices.

The goal of this task is to replace calls to deprecated API to their more up to date alternative so that we can eventually git rid of them.


You will track down one use of a deprecated method or class/interface and replace it with the new version (usually documented in the deprecated API javadoc).

Expected Outcome:

The student will create a pull request with the changes and indicate the link to this pull request.

Task tags

  • deprecated
  • java

Students who completed this task

Enigmatrix, Arun Pattni, Akshit Dewan

Task type

  • code Code
  • done_all Quality Assurance