Overflow issue in the UI of the Distribution Wizard
See attached screenshot.
Fix the overflow of long content by fixing the CSS. Make sure to test your change in Extension Manager (when installing an application) and Distribution Wizard (when installing a Flavor).
- Knowledge of CSS, HTML
- You will encounter concepts like Skins Extensions, Templating engines, Apache Velocity, modular components, etc. but you don't need to be familiar with them in advance
Expected Outcome
- Pull Request on the https://github.com/xwiki/xwiki-platform repository with the solution
- The summary of the Pull Request must have a first line matching the JIRA issue following by a colon and then the title of this issue
- Following best practices defined at http://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/WebHome
Familiarize yourself with XWiki by downloading and installing the latest version.
For questions you can always use the Forum or the IRC channel, see http://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Community/Discuss
Try to reproduce the issue described by the task. You should use your browser's Developer Tools to identify and test your solution.
Once you have reproduced the issue presented in the task, it's the time to identify the location where it needs to be fixed in the code. You should be familiar with using Git locally or you might be able to commit your changes from the GitHub interface.
The task will give you hints about the component where the code with the problem is located. Identify the file, make the changes and submit a Pull Request for mentors to approve and close the task. Don't forget to add screenshots with before and after your changes.