
Find and update 5 screenshots of XWiki features on xwiki.org that are not up to date with the latest version of XWiki


Interface changes happen all the time and the documentation needs to stay up to date with these changes. Some documentation pages still have old images, showcasing old XWiki versions that have different displayed options or a different styling.

Your objective is to find and update 5 screenshots of XWiki features or extensions on xwiki.org that are not up to date with the latest version of XWiki.

Expected Outcome

For this task to be validated you should provide the corresponding diff link showing your changes (do to the history tab, enable minor edit view and produce a diff between the version before your change and the version with your change). Success criteria:

  • Use the same attachment name that exist
  • Provide the URLs to the old + new images (access attachment history by clicking on the attachment version)
  • Use a similar size of image of what exists

Don't edit the page, don't modify the content. You are supposed to only update existing attachments.


For accurate screenshots you need to use the latest version of XWiki. Make sure you download and install locally the latest version of XWiki. Playground version doesn't count for this task since it's using an older version.

You will need to have an account on xwiki.org to perform this task, see Become a community member

See details about XWiki syntax. This will help you if additional changes need to be done in the syntax (like adding parameters, using the {{image}} macro, etc)

Task tags

  • consistency

Students who completed this task

Sakthivel Muthu

Task type

  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training

