
Improve 5 English text entries

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The goal of this task if to review all the textual content used in XWiki and fix 5 mistakes.


  • review textual content located in ApplicationResources.properties files or wiki pages containing textual content (usually named "Translations.xml" or ending with "Translations.xml") in https://github.com/xwiki/ and https://github.com/xwiki-contrib/ repositories
  • find and fix 5 mistakes
  • commit the changes in your fork of the repository
  • create a pull request

You can use github search feature to help you find translation files:

https://github.com/xwiki/xwiki-enterprise is off limit (this project is deprecated and will me moved shortly)

Expected Outcome

  • The student must commit the changes with a comment explaining it, create a pull request and indicate the link to this pull request

Getting help

If you have any question you should use use the Chat (faster answer but when there is someone around)

More Work Available:

Task tags

  • text
  • translation

Students who completed this task

Mridul Sharma, Arun Pattni, Wasif Jalal, 1337_siddh, Josiah Somani, Srijan Jha, Alison Lwigale, Somya Agrawal, Akshit Dewan, Chou Bi Yu

Task type

  • done_all Quality Assurance