Video: Create a Video about FOSSASIA Targeting School and College Students
The goal of this task is to get students interested in FOSSASIA and contributing to Open Source. Please create a 2-5 minute video about FOSSASIA using Open Source applications. Ensure your video is made using Open Source. Only videos using Open Source applications can be accepted.
- Explore Video Creating, YouTube, VLMC, etc.
- Include the FOSSASIA logo. You find FOSSASIA artwork on this repository:
- The video should be uploaded publicly on the web domain and if possible shown in your school.
- Use existing YouTube videos from the FOSSASIA Channel and remix them
- Check out photos on Flickr of summits 2016, and 2017, that you could use
- Link the video on the program website. Add it to
- Tweet the video on Twitter, Weibo or other tweet like channel and include the video in the tweet itself. For example something like "Check out this video about #FOSSASIA http-youtube-link @hpdang @mariobehling @fossasia @catallman More at"
- Post about your video on Facebook and other social media channels. Your post should include the link to the video.
- Video made using Open Source software about FOSSASIA on YouTube using FOSSASIA artwork/logo
- Public screening in school
- Link on Google Code-In student site
- Tweet about it and post it on social media
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Students who completed this task
Naveen Rajan, Samyak Jain, Saarthak Chaturvedi, Yash Kothari