Labyrinth: Create a Promotional Video about the Labyrinth Game
The FOSSASIA Labyrinth allows you to contribute parts to a huge labyrinth. To promote the labyrinth, create a promotional video.
- Explore Video Creating
- Include the FOSSASIA logo. You find FOSSASIA Artwork on this repository:
- The video should be uploaded publicly on the web domain and if possible shown in your school.
- Link the video on the program website. Add it to
- Tweet the video on Twitter, Weibo or other tweet like channel and include the video in the tweet itself. For example something like
- Post about your video on Facebook and other social media channels. Your post should include the link to the video.
Optional but much appreciated:
- Use existing YouTube videos from the FOSSASIA Channel and remix them
- Video made using Open Source on YouTube using FOSSASIA Artwork/logo (link to play the video)
- Public screening
- Link on FOSSASIA Code-In site (a merged pull request)
- Tweet and post it on social media (links)
- a merged pull request to a Video Section in the Labyrinth file (link)
- If someone wants to work with you, let them do that.
- You can join our chat on gitter if you get stuck to get help or just hang out and have a nice time with others.
Task tags
Students who completed this task
Yash Kumar Verma, Saarthak Chaturvedi, Naveen Rajan, Supun_TE, Samyak Jain, P10YP1T1, Yash Kothari