TiddlyWiki Environment and Workout

TiddlyWiki is a lightweight application that contains the entire text of the wiki, and let you read it, edit it or search it without the need of an external database. TiddlyWiki is contained in one single html file. You can download a copy from this link http:/ and get an empty html file.

This empty.html file can be renamed to your preferred filename. The renamed file can be opened using any browser such as Firefox, or Chrome.

You need a tiddlyfox add-on to save if you're using firefox browser. Find it in the firefox add-on or from (applicable for Firefox upto version 45).

The task is to build environment needed to work with TiddlyWiki.


Describe what kind of environment do you need to work with TiddlyWiki, eg which OS, which browser that you use to work on the following. Please state if you are using a desktop PC, a notebook, a tab or a mobile phone.

Prepare beforehand a text story related to FOSSAsia Summit that you would like to put in the wiki.

Make a Title and subtitle in the main menu to describe your wiki is all about.

Create the tiddler which is a subject and fill-in the page with relevant content.

Try to hyperlink any word in the page that you have created that requires further explanation.

Learn to use some basic editing feature like in wiki eg. making bold, italic fonts etc. And using the brackets for hyperlinking within tiddlers in TiddlyWiki.

Upload few images into the wiki using the wiki image inserter.

Task tags

  • wiki
  • html
  • editor
  • javascript
  • css

Students who completed this task

Naveen Rajan

Task type

  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training
  • assessment Outreach / Research

