Video: Create a Promotional Video about the FOSSASIA Summit
The goal of this task is to showcase the FOSSASIA Summit in Singapore and to get people interested. Please create a 2-5 minute video about the event using Open Source applications. You can use images from the FOSSASIA Flickr groups of the summits and videos available on YouTube. Ensure your video is made using Open Source. Only videos using Open Source applications can be accepted.
- Explore Video Creating
- Include the FOSSASIA logo. You find FOSSASIA artwork on this repository:
- Use existing YouTube videos from the FOSSASIA Channel and remix them
- Check out photos on Flickr of summits 2016, and 2017, that you could use
- The video should be uploaded publicly on the web domain and if possible shown in your school.
- Link the video on the program website. Add it to
- Tweet the video on Twitter, Weibo or other tweet like channel and include the video in the tweet itself. For example something like "Check out this video about #FOSSASIA http-youtube-link @hpdang @mariobehling @fossasia @catallman More at"
- Post about your video on Facebook and other social media channels. Your post should include the link to the video.
- Video made using Open Source on YouTube using FOSSASIA artwork/logo
- Public screening
- Link on FOSSASIA Code-In site
- Tweet and post it on social media
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Students who completed this task
Saarthak Chaturvedi, Naveen Rajan, Supun_TE, Samyak Jain, Yajush Vyas, Yash Kothari